We are a food freeze dryer. We maintain the nature of each product, enhance its flavor and give you the best version so that you can live an experience full of flavors.
Our History
VIANDA arises from the idea of sharing the wonderful Mexican culture with the world. And what better way than to do it, through its gastronomy, which is recognized as IMMATERIAL CULTURAL HERITAGE OF HUMANITY by UNESCO.
We preserve the essence of the typical Mexican seasoning and deliver it in a practical and delicious way.

Share with the world the great and wonderful Mexican culture through its gastronomy, regardless of time or place.
To be the best Mexican food company, maintaining the balance between culture, the highest quality standards and cutting-edge technology.

Our trajectory
Learn more about our Experience
More than 30 years
In the Freeze Dried Foods market
More than 200
Varieties of product presentations and flavors available with unique recipes
With the greatest reach on the market
National and international shipments
Our efforts are recognized by

Our Process
It is thanks to the physical process called LYOPHILIZATION which consists of lowering the temperature of the cell nucleus of our dishes to -50°C. We then simulate pressures as low as those that exist in the stratosphere. By working at such low temperatures and pressures we convert ice into steam.
Thanks to this, the cells only lose water, keeping their nutrients, vitamins, proteins and sugars intact.
Custom Orders
If we do not have the product you are looking for in stock, we can manufacture it especially for you.
Write to us to find out all the details of the product you are looking for, we will contact you directly to confirm delivery times and prices.
Contact us